The NFT Artist Grant Program

Starting January 1, 2022.

Using any Genesis Fish Terrarium, create an original piece of art in your style.

{No Purchase Necessary.}

Applications for consideration are submitted via Twitter.

Tweet your original Terrarium to @SatoshiMundi by the 20th of every month.

Submissions must include your Original Terrarium, its Title, Your Name and the title and copy of Genesis Fish you improved upon; along with the hashtags #haveyouseenmyinvisiblefish #whoisSatoshiMundi #NFTArtistGrantProgram #NFT

Applicants MUST follow @SatoshiMundi.

Winners will be selected monthly starting February 1, 2022 and announced via Twitter by @SatoshiMundi. A winner will be selected the first week of every month.

Artists may submit any number of times but only once per month, and may not resubmit a previous entry or reuse the same genesis fish as inspiration.

Artists can only win once.

If Selected, Satoshi Mundi will mint and gift you your winning submission royalty free and include it in the permanent collection of the MMDFA and IFPP.

Winning pieces are entitled to all the same incentives as any other I. F. featured in the MMDFA and IFPP.

The Cash Prize for each winner is 04% of Satoshi Mundi’s Grant and Award allocation minus gas fees.