The Satoshi Mundi Award for Excellence in Digital Fine Art

Starting 2022

Awarded Yearly, Christmas Eve.

Every Year Satoshi Mundi and the Trustees of the Invisible Fish Project will vote on a single Project or single NFT to reward with an Trophy NFT and a Cash Prize of 40% of the Grant and Award allocation. 

The Winning Project will exhibit not only aesthetic merit but serves to advance the artform and the NFT ecosystem.

Projects are nominated via Twitter. 

To nominate a project:

Applicants MUST be following @SatoshiMundi

Tweet @SatoshiMundi with a copy of the NFT, a link to the project’s webpage and collection page. Include a short description as to why you believe this is the Project or NFT of the Year.

Must Include the hashtag: #SatoshiMundiAwardforExcellenceinDigitalFineArt #MundiAward #NFTAWARDS

Projects and Artists MAY NOT nominate themselves.

Winning Projects will be immortalized here and in the Metaverse Museum of Digital Fine Art and the Invisible Fish Porthole Project should the winner so choose, and are entitled to all the same incentives as other works featured in the MMDFA and IFPP.

Winning Projects

Coming December 2022