The Invisible Fish Treasure Hunt
{No Purchase Necessary}
(or the equivalent value in the crypto of your choice.)
3 winners. 9 BTC up for grabs. Each winner also becomes a member of Satoshi Mundi.
There will only ever be 3 winners.
Satoshi Mundi is a Group of 13 but we hope to expand to 25. Three of those spots will be awarded to those clever enough to solve the riddle of the Genesis Collection.
But we don’t want just anyone. We want the best and the brightest. We want Art lovers and creative thinkers. So we designed an admittedly difficult right of passage.
The contest is as follows:
Using the information on this website, the visual details of the Invisible Genesis Collection Fish on both chains, and the information available about the terrariums on the NGA.gov website you will be able to intuit a pattern. This pattern of numbers and letters when filtered through a type of period specific cryptography will result in 13 words. 10 of those words will form a phrase appropriate to the concept of the invisible fish, while the other three will be the protonmail email address made specifically for this contest. Email that address the 10 word phrase and the types of cryptography employed to solve the puzzle and you win!
There are no rules. And there is no time limit. Work individually or as a group. Just understand there are only 3 spots available and a 3 BTC cash prize per winning entry/email; it would make sense if groups were no larger than 3.
Winners are entitled to every benefit any other member of Satoshi Mundi enjoys including revenue share and decision making power.
Everything you need to solve the puzzle is available for free online.
The tools you will need.
An Internet Connection
Gimp GNU image manipulation software (available here: https://www.gimp.org/)
A Calculator (available here: https://meta-calculator.com/)
Access to https://www.gutenberg.org/
Access to https://en.wikipedia.org/
Access to https://www.nga.gov/
The Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Ability of an High School Graduate.